These 2 hour workshops combine yoga and somatic movement to dissolve body tightness, improve your posture and increase your wellbeing. They suit all; abilities , body shapes and experience (beginners are very welcome). Injuries and mobility restrictions are not a problem for this type of yoga, just let me know. Each 2 hour workshop costs £20. Advance book only, these events fill up so book early!

September 29th 1000-1200  Neck/Shoulder Releasing

November 3rd    1000-1200   Mindful Movement

December 1st     1000-1200   Deeper Yoga

January 19th      1000-1200   Back releasing

February 23rd    1000-1200   Happy hips

April 13th           1000-1200   Sensation and awareness

Sun Sept 29th : Neck and shoulder releasing

This frequently requested workshop will focus on dissolving tension around the shoulders/neck area. We will use somatic movement and touch to release tensions in the shoulders and neck. Learning to relax these areas softens the structures in the; inner neck, cranium and brain stem leading directly to calmness and an expansion of awareness. We will loosen enough to move more freely and then explore natural breathing.

Book Some workshops (email) Call Craig

November 3rd    1000-1200   Mindful Movement

My own movement modality based on slow body movements felt without the engagement of the thinking mind. These movements release tensions in your deep muscles and fascial tissues leaving you lighter and physically more at ease. The added benefit is you'll leave the session calmer and more receptive. If you need self care and a wellbeing  booster - this is it.

December 1st     1000-1200   Deeper Yoga

Postural yoga but taken with a depth of consciousness and body awareness that's unusual in 'western' yoga. We will take time to restore our natural breathing state (free of habit) then cultivate receptivity and use long held postures to expand our awareness. Muscles will relax and lengthen, joints will open and respond to breathing, your sense of self will change for the better.

BOOK SOME WORKSHOPS (email) Call Craig

Feb 23rd  2025  1000-1200   Hips

A workshop focussing on releasing deep in tensions around the hips. Most classes try to release such tensions by stretching, this has some value but is very limited. In this session we will use somatic (inner body) awareness with rhythmic movements to take away stored tensions in the hips and loosen some the fascial layers in there - much more effective and pleasant than stretching!

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